These facilities can help us lessen our impact on the Earth. The Earth and its resources are our inheritance and responsibility. We should neither waste that inheritance nor destroy it. These listings are those nearest or most convenient to our community. For other places you can check the listings in the phone book under Recycling, Junk Dealer, Scrap Metals, Scrap Rubber, Waste Recycling and Disposal Equipment/services or call 795-8557 for consumer information.

Batteries D&D Salvage & Recycling 14003 Rock Cliff Dr. in Sandy Creek M-S, 8-5 p.m., 259-5683 Yes
Aluminum cans 1.
D&D Salvage, Sandy Crk
2. Site by Ross Mufflers
2205 Hwy. 183, Cedar Park
(located about 2 blks. north of New Hope Bapt. Church on west side of Hwy. 183).
3. Old Post Office across from the Cedar Park VFD fire station on old Hwy. 183 in Cedar Park by Callahans.Yes
Brass, copper lead, steel, tin magnesium, die- cast metals, iron all scrap metals D&D Salvage & Recycling Yes, market rates change daily per pound.
Insulated wire
fence wire
Misc. wire
D&D Salvage & Recycling Yes, daily rates per pound
Cars/Car motors D&D Salvage & Recycling Yes
air conditioners
D&D Salvage & Recycling Will pay if motors & compressors removed, otherwise free svce. haul off
Plastic grocery bags/produce bags HEB store at intersection of Hwy. 183/FM 1431 in NE corner Free svce.
Styrofoam packing materials Mailboxes, Etc. at Hwy. 183 & FM 1431 across from McDonalds Free svce.
oil/oil filters/
Cedar Park VFD, old 183
M-F, 8-5 p.m.
Free svce.
oil/oil filters
(no antifreeze)
Lube Pit Stop, 331-0685
400 N. Bell Blvd. Cedar Park
You pay $1
Quick Lube, 250-5150
12212-B FM 620, limit 5 gal.
You pay $1
Tires Waste station at Hwy 71 and RR 620
M-F, 7-5 p.m., 263-5265.
Accepts 30 tires per person per month and you pay per load.
Tire stores in Cedar Park and Leander
often take your old tires for recycling as free svce.
Newspapers, mags, glass bottles, jars, tin, alum. cans Ross Dress for Less Recycling
8100 Burnet Rd. Unmanned ctr. behind store. Also Takes plastics labeled 1 or 2 marked in a triangle on the item.
Free svce.
Ecology Action Ctr., 9th and I-35
on west side of highway. Also takes junk mail, office papers, cardboard, alum. foil, colored #2 plastics.
Market rates & free svces.
ECOLOGY ACTION RECYCLING'S main phone number - 322-0000. They also have sites at Westlake, Oak Hill, and other small communities throughout the region. Call them for more complete details, directions, and items accepted.
HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE Travis County. Waste Station located 2.5 mi. west of Hwy. 183 on FM 1431 on north side of rd. Thurs.-Sat., 9-5 p.m. Closed on all holidays. No chemicals, no big items. 472-7483 for info. Cost is by load size.
County site at Hwy. 71 and RR 620. Cost per load.
P.O. Box 416, Jarrell Texas 76537
No data
Longhorn Disposal Co.
Austin, 272-4341
Cost is per quarter
LANDFILL SITE Located in Hutto, Texas. Take Hwy. 79 out of Round Rock going east toward Taylor. In Hutto, take CR 1660 going north. Go a few miles to CR 130. Follow CR 130 and land fill site is on the right Cost is per load arid all size loads and all large and small items are accepted.
HAZARDOUS HOUSEHOLD ONLY WASTE STATION 4411 Meinardous Dr. next to the St. Elmo Service Ctr. in south Austin. Open on Wednesdays, noon-7 p.m. Call 499-2111 for directions or 499-3500 or 499-3577 for more info.

Ammonia-based cleaners, insect sprays, drain window cleaners, floor care items, furniture polish, metal polish with solvent, oven cleaner, antifreeze, kerosene, automatic transmission/ brake fluid, batteries/ battery acid, car wax, metal polish, diesel fuel, gasoline, paint brush solvent cleaners and w/TSP, glue, paint - oil-based or dry latex, paint thinners/strippers, turpentine, varnish/wood preservative, fungicide, pesticides, herbicides, pest poison, shoe dye, artists' paints/mediuiTis, lighter fluid, and moth balls.

No Data